Até 05/04/2021 – Chamada de trabalhos para evento internacional “ICA CCR EUROPE 2021, Research conference: ‘Cooperatives in transition facing crisis’ – Bruxelas, Bélgica (07 a 09 de julho de 2021)”.

Topics debated will include: How does the cooperative movement contribute to sustainable and solidarity societies? How do cooperatives anticipate and respond to new business opportunities and develop innovative solutions for a sustainable and solidarity future? How do we characterise the democratic work of cooperatives and their impact, from the point of view of organisations, territories, and emancipation? The Conference will explore how cooperatives address current global issues and challenges, such as improving sustainable development, reducing income and wealth inequality, enhancing gender equality and offering a future with decent work. The competitive advantage of cooperative democracy, business performance, market share, best governance and digital capabilities will also be explored.

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